Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
To expand on unsound’s answer - the 3 woofers include the upper woofer centered between the two subwoofers. The subwoofer cones of the CS5 were mass-loaded and damped with rubber. Those drivers were modifications of stock ScanSpeak woofers. In his usual fashion, Jim improved the motors of those woofers as well as replaced the cones. The new subwoofers are mass-loaded with a center MDF puck. The upgrade was expensive and popular. Rob says practically all CS5 owners upgraded to the 5i (improved). I don’t think there were any crossover changes, and I don’t think think the improved woofers are available. I am presently conversing with ScanSpeak about replacement drivers for classic models including the CS5, but the fruit of these discussions is in the future.
@woodysticks May I ask what the cost of the 3.5 midrange replacement alternatives are per pair?

Thank You for addressing esprits4 's query about the CS5/CS5i models.

Happy Listening!
A thought proposal: Multi-amp CS5s.
Over the years I’ve heard comments regarding CS5 performance that sound a lot like amplifier misbehavior than speaker limitations. My experience with the CS5, with the Krell FPB-600 and other big guns, doesn’t include flabby bass, anemic transients and brittle highs. (Note, I think the low impedance load is brutal and inexcusable . . . but) great sound can be achieved with great amps. CS5 owners please share your relevant experience.
My thought proposal is to wire a pair of CS5s for multi-amp inputs.
Configuration A: bi-amp. One channel on subs and upper woofers. Other channel on top 3 drivers.Configuration B: tri-amp. One channel on subs, other on upper woofer. Third amp (one stereo channel) on mids-tweeter.Three amps required. All run in stereo due to low impedance load.This idea is inspired by the excellent performance of the Benchmark AHB-2 and its relative affordability at $3K / each. The CS5 internal access is feasible because each driver circuit is routed independently to the binding posts, as are all Thiels.
My interest springs from my love of sealed bass performance and a product which didn't meet its market potential; only 500 pairs were built. My homework is to learn more about the present bass limitations for developing replacement woofers with ScanSpeak. Any and all feedback is welcome.