i have not heard a herron but my understanding his better units are equals to the mid level modern conrad johnson or audio research tube linestages, which are excellent sonically and in build quality
c-j or arc tube unit into a high grade solid state amp can be a wonderful combo
audible illusions is a very good sounding unit, but it fries tubes and gets noisy/hissy wayyy too fast, and customer service can be problematic if needed
plinius’ unit doesn’t belong in this conversation... it is not in the same league
i don't know anything about allnic stuff
c-j or arc tube unit into a high grade solid state amp can be a wonderful combo
audible illusions is a very good sounding unit, but it fries tubes and gets noisy/hissy wayyy too fast, and customer service can be problematic if needed
plinius’ unit doesn’t belong in this conversation... it is not in the same league
i don't know anything about allnic stuff