RCA to RCA versus RCA to XLR

I was planning to order a new interconnect cable and considered having this made with one end terminated with RCA connectors and the other end terminated with a XLR connection. The RCA end would go into my Scott tuner and the XLR end would go into my ARC pre-amp. My question is whether or not there would be any significant sonic advantage to doing this, as opposed to simply ordering an IC with a RCA termination on both ends.

I think shielding like most things is down to circumstances, I've got wifi with around 30 devices attached (god knows what they all are). So I can't do without it, the only issue I've had is TT interconnects as the capacitance adds to the cart loading so low capacitance interconnects where possible. If you're in a low noise environment then you're lucky and can get away with trying some other options.
No good you are not getting the benefit of a true XLR 
by going part xlr it can’t neutralize the signal path noise .
just stick with just XLR if itis truly balanced on both pieces of electronics , if not truly balanced stick with RCAs 
no benefit might even cause an impedance mismatch because of the age of the scott
Thanks.. There is a LOT of WiFi signals to pick from HERE.
They are not affecting mine so far.. I run a lot of valves and a few RCAs. I run MI carts 4.5 to 5.5 no need for a SUT. Little ZP3 is not very susceptible to WiFi, that I can hear.. BUT just 2 cell phones, and a router are on WiFi. Everything else is hardwired except the burglar alarm phone.

I may be a little unrealistic but I’m not a personal fan of WiFi..

I’m a bit of a tin foil hat person.. Cell phone stay away from me unless I’m using one.. Not to often now..

It would be nice for Ralph to weigh in, I always like his commentary, easy read, but very thorough.