D’agostino preamp - unfortunate its SS?

spent time with the solid state dag hd momentum and a higher end tube amp.  How much is lost if one chooses DAG vs what a tube pre has to offer?

Can anyone speak to this potential DAG shortcoming?
Kinda disappointing.

can a tube sound be recreated with a ss preamp?  Are tubes preferred?

Wasn't there just a thread about laying off the newbies.  Somewhere in the thread someone said "there are no dumb questions".   Close your eyes, click your heels together and you'll be transported to a universe where that's true.
Tubes! I love em! But I also dont Jam out like I used too. If all I listened to was mainly hard rock and classic rock and I wanted to listen really loud then all SS gear is probably going to give me what im looking for. But now that im a bit older I find myself listening to more Jazz and Blues. I have gone through several SS and tubed pre amps over the years, one thing remains constant for me though is my speakers (Dynaudio Contour 3.0) and amplifier (McIntosh MC352). Tubes inject tonal beauty with sustain and decay like no SS pre amp can, with that said, Tubes tend to not slam or hit as hard as solid state. THERE it is!

Matt M
Good solid state gives up nothing to tube equipment, they are just slightly different sounds and both are valid, but i have found you never want to mix the two due to too frequent mismatches.