The best option I found in my system for a 6922 is the Mazda 7308 1960’s French Military tube. Labeled Phillips 7308 PQ. I use them in a Manley Chinook phonostage.
Purchased from Brent Jesse @, search the web sight under the 6DJ8 selection and he has a description of the sound characteristics of each type as a guide as well as a little background info.
They seemed more extended on both ends of the frequency spectrum and were more dynamic and transpatent than others I’ve tried in this phonostage like the Amperex 6922 Orange PQ label and the Phillips 7DJ8 that came stock selected by Manley.
Purchased from Brent Jesse @, search the web sight under the 6DJ8 selection and he has a description of the sound characteristics of each type as a guide as well as a little background info.
They seemed more extended on both ends of the frequency spectrum and were more dynamic and transpatent than others I’ve tried in this phonostage like the Amperex 6922 Orange PQ label and the Phillips 7DJ8 that came stock selected by Manley.