Conrad Johnson GAT - What else is there?

Hi folks -

I wanted to get some input on a preamp question. I’ve been in a search for the perfect preamp - I’m pairing the unit with AudioNet AMP monoblocks and powering a pair of Wilson Sophia 3’s. Previously, I had tried a fully upgraded Don Sachs DS2, Wells Audio Commander Level 2, and am now on the Conrad Johnson GAT v1.

Landing on the GAT seems like the perfect move. I bought the right piece of equipment, for an amazing price, from a great seller (huge shoutout to @audiotroy, Dave of Audio Intellect). Dave listened to the preamp woes I went through, found the right piece of gear for me, and made sure the GAT came to me after a paid-for pitstop at CJ for a full inspection - including brand new tubes. Highly recommended dealer.

The preamp does sound wonderful - I love the slight refinement of the signal to be just a bit more seductive while being natural, input and output options, balance control, EPL + HT sections and generally - it just gets out of the way! The one thing I’m considering is: it doesn’t have an auto power off, nor power button on the remote.

These aren’t deal breakers and I don’t think I’d really end up trading this away. The GAT is by far the best preamp I’ve owned… but since I can’t seem to stick with one piece of gear… if I was going to move on - any recommendations in the sub $10k range?
Deja Vu preamp.  Google them and give them a call.  I have been using one of their custom preamps for the past 10+ years.  Bested 2 other  CJ preamps.
The preamp does sound wonderful - I love the slight refinement of the signal to be just a bit more seductive while being natural, input and output options, balance control, EPL + HT sections and generally - it just gets out of the way! The one thing I’m considering is: it doesn’t have an auto power off, nor power button on the remote.

first world problems...

maybe a mcintosh receiver would be more convenient 😂😂😂

sorry, just couldn't resist... hope you find your hifi nirvana
If you can find one, a used AVM PA 8.2 will come in right around $10K depending on what inputs and outputs are in it.  Beauty of AVM is the ability to tailor the output to the amps you are pairing it with.  That to me as an extremely appealing.

A new 8.3 is way above your budget of $10K and with normal feature set is in the high teens.  It is my favorite preamp but tough to justify if you already have a $20K preamp like the GAT.  

They have a less expensive option at $6K, the PA 5.2, which is superb for the money but not sure it is quite at the level that you are used to or are looking for.  

How did the Sachs compare with the GAT?  Others I’d look at — CAT, Atmasphere, VAC, Allnic, Raven, LTA.