i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas

i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long.
if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter.

i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.
No, you have to wait three years & 10 months before you sell.

I have a totally different system now.
Mr Tennis, in another thread (just deleted by Audiogon I assume because it deteriorated into a pissing contest) you told us you were an audio reviewer. Is this the player you intend to use in your reference system for reviews?

I think it would be nice if you identify yourself so if I run across one of your reviews I can factor in your unusual preferences stated above.
hi herman.

i have not found such a player. i don't think such a player exists.

whenever reading a review, the reviewer states his/her reference system and you would note all of the components which were included as part of the review.

the only reason for you to be concerned about my unusual preference is in the event, you were unaware of a component.

however, in any review it is possible that there is at least one component which you have never encountered or heard of.

i would prefer to put the cart after the horse.

if you read a review and you are unfamiliar with a component, just ask me about it. my vast experience attending ces and other shows may be of help to you.

at this time, given the "controversy" that has ensued as a consequence of my many threads and posts, i chose not to divulge my name.

i feel i am in good company, because i am not aware of the names of other reviewers who frequently post on audiogon, who have admitted to being reviewers.

one more thing about reviews: given the nature of what a review is being aware of reviewer preferences does not help you because a professional reviewer does not let his preferences interfere with his task, which is honest reporting.

reading a review will not help you avoid a mistake. i don't take reviews seriously. they are just entertainment.

i enjoy and am challenged when i write them, but i don't take them too seriously and you shouldn't either.

sorry i can't be of more help, but i must protect myself from over zealous, dogmatic individuals who may cause trouble.

your understanding is greatly appreciated.
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