Voltage conversion of Accuphase E-650

Does anyone know how to convert voltage of Accuphase E-650 100v to 110/120v? Or does anyone provide information on voltage conversion table of Accuphase E-650?
@imhififan ,

As you suggested, I desoldered K3, K4 and solder it to K5, K6. Then, I used a dim bulb tester when I powered up the E-560. I can confirmed changing voltage were done successfully. Thank you very much. 
Hello @imhififan @foolishman just to be crystal clear, connector K3 needs to be moved to K5 and connector K4 moved to K6 as pictured here? 


Sorry to be dense, but I want to make absolutely sure before having my tech do this.
Your link to the picture doesn’t work. Is your board similar to this one?


Please upload your picture to your system page and provide a link.