i want a dull, caramel colored cd player any ideas

i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long.
if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter.

i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.
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hi tvad, are you 9rw's clone ?

again it is easier to catch a fly with honey than with vinegar.

it's up to you to find out who the other reviewers are. it doesn't matter to me who is or is not a reviewer. being a reviewer is no big deal.

if you take reviews too seriously, that's your problem.

i respect your opinion, you are entitled to it. i'll leave it to your judgement what reviews are or are not suitabl;e reading material for various endeavors.

by the way do you have an anger management problem ?

you come accross as very hostile. have i offended your sensibilities ?

didn't your mother tell you, "if you have nothing good to say, be quiet" ?
by the way tvad, you seem to be rather full of yourself.

the way you order people around, you should have been a construction boss.

fortunately for me, you are not my boss, not my teacher, and not my parent. i suggest you lighten up.

you take audio and this forum much too seriously.
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>>i would prefer to put the cart after the horse<<

But won't that block our best view of you?