Accuphase CD players versus Naim CD players

i have an accuphase cdp(DP - 55V) which on the whole i like a lot(I have thought about upgrading to a DP-67, see seperate question) but sometimes i wish my accuphase was more dynamic in its presentation of the music. overall though i feel it gives me plenty of detail and a real sound. i have also thought about a naim cdp but for every person who seems to love the Naim 'sound', there seems to be someone else who hates it with a passion and thinks the 'sound' Naim creates is false. the main criticism seems to be that 'yes', it does give you a very dynamic explosion of sound and is very fast but that it misses a lot of the musical detail and that the naim 'sound' is actually quite artificial. i would be interested to hear if people agree or disagree with this argument. i have not done a direct comparison yet between an accuphase cdp and the naim cdx2(which is the player i would be thinking about)but whilst i might sometimes crave a bit more dynamism from my accuphase, i would not want to sacrifice the accuphase genuine sound for something that may be slightly artificial. i would be particularly interested in hearing from anyone who has directly compared Accuphase with Naim.

Make sure you don't buy a greymarket (if it was not bought from a US dealer originally) Accuphase as you will not be able to get it serviced!! I'm not a dealer but I was looking at buying accuphase products a couple years ago and this was a huge problem.
I am a big fan of accuphase and naim. Naim is more on the musical side while accuphase is more accurate.
Don't know about the DP 55 which was rated as the lesser of the accuphase products. Coupled with elctrostatics accuphase is one of most transparent players I have ever heard.
DP500 is selling at S$6700 in Singapore.

Not really sure how this player pit against other players like the MBL 1531, Audio Aero Cap MK2, AR CD3 MK2, Wadia 581 & etc.

But those players that I had listed are all much more expensive.
Not exactly to your point, but I have an Accuphase DP75V and the EMM DCC2 (non-signature) and CDSD transport. While the EMM definitely is more lifelike with big, rounder, denser images and a more cavernous, open listening field, the 7-year-old Accuphase holds its own. It is lush, relaxing, grainless, with smaller but well defined images and an overall seductive keep-listening-for-hours sound. I know it's heresy, but in the demos I heard with with the Linn CD12, the 75V had better-defined, more integrated bass and was, overall, more relaxing, although with a bit warmish coloration (which may be part of its charm). I think the Accuphase, rather than "solve" digititus, expertly covers it up. It just has a really beautiful sound. I heard the Naims for short periods at Audio shows and always preferred the 75V.