The stereo sounds fine, music is great, but Jeff Bezos came back to earth.

Oh well, 2 out of three ain't bad.
Self-praise is no recommendation nonoise.
Yeah, we get it. You're so tough you probably rust. A legend in your own mind. The older you get the better you were.

This is not a safe place, I know that. Is any online forum a safe place from smug self-promoters? Sadly, no.
I'd wager that there are far more people who have joined and left this site due to the smarmy snarking and sniping that goes on, than are still members. That's a shame.

I'm here to learn and maybe contribute something worthwhile, which is rare as there are way more learned contributors than me on here.

You're just not one of them.
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@nonoise , Please stop the hate . I was the person that lived the life of turbulence . In the 80’s I was 6’1” and 230 lbs., took performance enhancing drugs and used stimulants and pain killers to help me go . I took a law enforcement job, and became an instructor. I taught baton, weaponless defense, chemical agents , taser. I am proficient in edged weapons and small arms , including class III.  I’ve ridden Harleys since 74’ and I still ride . I’ve been in more fights than I can remember . Today I am 6 years retired having received  multiple concussions, 4 fractured vertebrae, 2 ribs , torn tendons in my hand and foot . I had a total right hip replacement. Today  I have 4 herniated discs and stenosis. I am in chronic pain , and have a PTSD diagnosis that is recognized by my former employer.  Today I’ve done years of counseling, have 30 years clean and sober and employ a therapy dog . You continue to insult people with terms like “ Snowflake “,Idiot  and  “ Nazi “. You have made veiled accusations numerous times in other threads including hinting that someone behaved like a child molester . My joys in life today are my dog, my bicycle , and my stereo . Most days I can only stand for a few hours and walk no more than a few blocks . But I can ride my bicycle for hours and listen to my stereo . So this site is linked to one of my few pleasures and you and your kind fill it with politics and hate . All your discord is done via a computer. I’ve fought  with people that are on death row at San Quinton and doing long stretches in CDC and Federal Prisons . I didn’t get this broken by watching others like you did . In prison there are people that talk smack through the bars. They’re called “ Window Warriors “. I did all the dirty stuff for “ The Good Guys “. But now I’m 64 years old , worn out , and just want to hear positive stuff . So please stop the Bravado and Hate . And what does “ All the Best “ mean after you blast someone? Mike B , 
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