I want to get back to playing and enjoying my 500+ cd's!  Been listening 95% of the time to a nice high end turntable $15k+ setup but would also like to have the option of listening to my cd collection to where it sounds at least competitive with my vinyl enjoyment.

I have no interest in streaming just playing cd's.   Does it make more sense to go with a cdp or transport and separate dac?

Budget $5 - $15k.  Thoughts
Not OP, but I'm also in the market for a CD transport and this thread has been very helpful. Currently leaning towards the PS Audio solution since it plays SACDs as well and can work with my Denafrips over I2S.
Another option I've been entertaining is going "cheap" and getting a used Sony ES SACD player from Japan.
I've already ripped all my CDs, but sometimes I'm looking at the wall of CDs and pick one out for fun and would rather just plop it in a player than get my phone out and scroll through to find that album to stream.

Georgehif, I've been waiting "hopefully for not too much longer the Shiit UrD transport to be released.
 I may default to a Cambridge Audio model.

If it's urgent, get the Cambridge CXC used, not a bad unit and no cheap computer slot loader, proper CD transport. You'll always get your money back on it.

Cheers George

Transport and separate DAC 1000%.  If the tech changes on DAC’s it is a simple upgrade most companies offer software upgrades. You can also taylor the sound you like through the DAC options that are out there (chip. R2R. Tube stage). Try to stay a step ahead and enjoy the music!
I am relatively new to having a CD Replay Chain Set Up in my system.
I chose not too many years ago to add a CDP and play a few CD's from the collection used in a Vehicle.
A friend who was working extensively with CDP's offered myself a loan of one of their CDP's, and it was remarkably improved over my owned CDP.

I went through a Period where I was looking to attempt to add streaming to the System to experience this as well, and become interested in DAC's along with the streaming.

A Standalone DAC with the CDP was looking interesting as it made the Streaming method look like it was being partially prepared for .

A chance offer materialised for a Bespoke Built DAC with a design that incorporated  R2R, Valve Regulated Power Supply and Valve Output Stage.
I took the offer and have not looked back, it was so impressive with a CDP, I went for a New CDT and chose the PS Audio PWMP.
I heard the pairing in a HiFi event, where prior to be giving the demonstration of the CDT with my DAC, Vinyl Systems when combined with the Amplification and Speakers that were in use, was close to
$200 000 in retail value. 
The Digital Set Up, when played in the System and when being compared to the very expensive Vinyl Set, was a revelation.
It was a no brainer to choose the CDT as the partnering device for the DAC.

I have been a 90%+ Vinyl Replay  until the CDT > DAC arrived.
Now I am approx' 60% Vinyl vs CD replays. 

I have a selection of TT's and Tone arms and a choice of  Phonostages.  The Digital has shown certain Vinyl Front End configurations a clean set of heels.

My main used TT and Tone arm > Cartridge > Phonostage are in front of the Digital.
During the A/B demonstrations of each, there are commonly a proportion of the Digital replay , that it is thought would be great if the Vinyl could match it.
What is guaranteed is that if a LP or CD from the same artist is allowed  to run on for an extended play time. The replay will not be wished for in the different media, either media is totally satisfying.

There was a few secondary costs incurred through going down the
CDT > DAC route.
One: being the CD Collection is now increased 30 fold. 
Two: Is More Controversial', It took quite a few demonstrations with different designs of RCA COAX Umbilical Cables to find the Interface that really brought the CDT > DAC marriage to a performance that was to my unique preference.
Very recently a chance materialised to try cable with a different Signal Wire incorporated into the Cables Design.
This cable has been so impressive, it has superseded my previous Cable choice that I was confident that would no be surpassed, when it come to my preferences. 

With a prudent search, I can discover a CD that will cost very little, in many cases, less that the derivative of the deterioration of the Cartridge Stylus.
Working on the Basis a Cartridge will offer a 1000's Hours of usage,
a £2000 Cartridge can be a £2 per hour to use ancillary.
Using a CD periodically in place of the Vinyl LP extends the period of ownership for the Cartridge, prior to it becoming candidate for overhaul or replacement.