Magnepan, Best midrange?

Other than Horns of course.
A few days ago on another audio forum, someone mentioned *why don't you ck out Magnepan??**
I wrote back, seems magnepan is OOB.
He was a  bit upset at my lack on reserach.
SEems Magnepan is still alive and well.
In fact there may bea  back log for the LRS 
Like months back order
Man , not sure why NO ONE here mentioned magnepan's???
Could this be the speaker I've been searching for some 20 years now??
Sure sensitivity is wayyy off my 92db sens limit. 
@ a  miserable 86db sens
However, conisdering the panel is 10x's the size of dual W18's + a  6.5 DavidLouis Full Range + a    Seas Cresendo, all added up, still is less voicing surafce area vs a the Manepan.

I'll run the W18's as bass, If I need extended highs, I'll add a  pair of Cresendos.
WOW and under 
Alott less, like $650!!!!!!!
Good thing here is, I have a  Defy7, power to spare for magnepan's demanding current draw.
Here is a  YT vid showing how you can modify the magnepan,, I;'ve not watched it yet, will do so today.
This Hifi Guy is the best hifi geek on Youtube.
He knows his stuff and has experiemented in countless speaker designs.
He's da man.
I can 't wait to get my LRS.

And gets even better, Made in the USA,, UNREAL.
If the LRS performs as hoped.
I will make a  long series of Youtube  videos, putting this speaker on the map,  promoting the Maggie as The Worlds Finest speaker.

Ck out all YT reviews of the Magnepan.
Every review gives 2 big thumbs up, 
Try to   that on any speaker on the market.
You shouldn't compare the efficiency of a planar and a conventional speaker unless you sit one meter(the standard distance to measure efficiency) away from the speakers. Beyond a meter planar speakers fall of at 3 dB every doubling of distance while conventional speakers fall off at 6 dB. So planars are effectively significantly more efficient at normal distances than their measurements tell you. By the way I'm not even a planar fan most of the time but that doesn't change the facts about loudness roll off with distance.
The best Mids Strathearn.

I want to build a set of Strathearn 24" ribbons 3 per side for the MIDS and Aurum Cantus G1 Ribbon Tweeter for the highs.

Mount them in an enclosure not OB. They always mount them in an open baffle and a dipole. I’m thinking narrow baffle bipole. I bet that is the magic combo. Something about that ribbon, nothing else like it.
AC tweeters real show stopper too They will go down to 600 hz -3db I 25+ khz 103 "E"

Bass take your pick, great solutions everywhere..
’best’ is a subjective thought, in the eye of the beholder

owners of quad esl’s, spendor bc1/sp1/sp100, proac response series would argue hard the midrange produced by those speakers are every bit as good, if not better, than maggies

that said, purity of midrange reproduction exists not in a vacuum, but alongside the rest of the range, and how it is ALL presented, is what matters
No it's not subjective, and yes it is in a vacuum. Because I've had sets of 57s Quads Maggies, EMTs, Apogee, BG, Monsoons, Sound lab, Infinity IRS series and an over 100 pairs I've made. ALL planar and or ribbon based.

Strathearns are the best. I mean everybody else can be wrong. It's not the first time. Anyone that has them (VERY FEW).. Keep the secret.

Who want's a run on the best speaker driver EVER made... At least not until I secure 8 or so to have a couple of spares.

Somebody need to start making them again..

One more set, one more time. Maybe 2 more sets.:-)
@mozartfan, Maybe "the wife" would be more receptive to your request for financial assistance if you stop objectifying her with disrespectful terminology.

I’ve always loved Maggies since I acquired a pair of MG I’s in 1977. My suggestion would be to find a dealer who can demo the Maggies you can afford, even if you have to fly there; and if you like them, have them drop-shipped to your home. Keep in mind that they’re dipoles. So they need plenty of distance from the front wall of your listening roomie order to sound their best.

Good luck. Happy listening. Love your speakers; and respect your wife, if for no other reason than to have more options going forward.