And I haven’t even had time to get them dialed in yet!
I note their Max sensitivity (2.8V @ 1m) is 89dB, and the level control settings are 1: 74dB, 2: 79dB, 3: 83dB, 4: 85dB, 5: 87dB, 6: 89dB.
My speakers have a sensitivity of 88dB, so I've gone with level 6. Works for me.
I should add that I've upgraded my speakers by treating all internal surfaces (including the rear of sealed speakers) as well as encasing crossovers to reduce reflections and filled the internal space with a sound absorption material. The results are fantastic and there is barely a hint of contamination impacting the cones' movement, which can be heard as a hint of ringing. (I suspect it could even be why some speakers are considered bright.) Perhaps that's why I can go higher than the recommended starting point without feeling uncomfortable.