The Intellectual People Podcast - Galen Gareis (Former Belden Wire Designer)

Former Belden Wire Designer Galen Gareis explains how cables need to meet certain standards and the design parameters around them. He also speaks about the actual science and the subjective side within hifi audio.

By the way I am looking to buy some interconnects, and am trying to decide whether  SS Palladiums, Audio Envy or Iconoclastic is the best way to go, If anyone has any direct experiences between all three I would love to hear from you. 
@wickymelb - Unfortunately, very few cable companies publish the details behind their designs like Iconoclast does. It would certainly make it easier to make an informed purchase decision. 

Since I was looking for a long set of interconnects, I didn't have the luxury of trying lots of options. I chose the Iconoclast because their explanation of their design choices made a lot of sense to me, and I was looking for cables that would get out of the way, not add their own colorations. 

Of course, no cable is perfect, but the Iconoclast cables made an appreciable improvement to the sound of my system (at least from my perspective). 

The Iconoclast cables are not inexpensive, at least for the model I chose which was their highest priced balanced interconnect. But they are a lot less expensive than many premium cables in longer lengths. And they were willing to make a custom length for me and still offer a refund if I wasn't satisfied. Well, I was more than satisfied and hope to swap out my other interconnects and speaker cables with Iconoclast cables down the road.
jaytor, you have a lot more fun coming your way; the effect of building out a set of cables is powerful, regardless of the brand. I enjoyed the changes to the system when I added cables from Iconoclast, which I point out in the review. 

Would you like a challenge? It might be challenging to read my review of the Legacy Audio i.V4 Ultra Amplifier. Perhaps now that you are beginning to gain insight on what I wrote in regard to the cables, you might consider if I am right about the amp. I make several predictions in regard to the industry, but the comparison and discussion of the amp's use are accurate.   :)