So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences?

My hypothesis is that for ~%97 of us, the more a headphone costs the more we will enjoy the headphone.

My secondary hypothesis is that the more I told consumers a headset cost, the more they would enjoy the phones. i.e. a $30 headphone < $300 headphone < $3,000 headphones <<< $30,000 headphones.

I’m willing to bet that if I put the kph 30i drivers in the focal utopia’s chassis and told participants in this fake study that the phones cost $4k.... Everyone except for the 3%ers would never guess something was up. The remaining 97% would have no clue and report that it was the best set they ever heard.

Then if I gave them the kph30i and explained it was $30. 97% of people would crap on them after hearing the same driver in a different chassis.

My ultimate hypothesis is that build quality and price are the two most important factors in determining if people will enjoy a set of headphones. This how I rationalize the HD8XX getting crap on when only 3 people have heard it and publicly provided their opinion lol. "It’s a cheaper 800s, of course it’s going to sound worse!"

This is a funny post.

I certainly can tell the difference listening to my Focal Elear vs My Grado RS 1e vs. 

placebo plashmedo. 

Think the parallel would be expectation bias.
Certainly price has a lot to “expect”. 
I believe that within the line of any Audio company the price dictates the SQ. Considering diminishing returns. And, mostly, being able to point out a sweet spot.
But comparing similar products at various prices of different companies SQ frequently does not jive with price.
And when listening to SQ of a particular piece it is best to listen then replace it with the previous piece. If you miss the SQ of the new piece then you are sure of the improvement… unless so obviously better you don’t want to even go back.
“Expectation bias” really refers to being fooled to think that the SQ is better because of the price.
I mean, people have been operated on without anaesthetic and not felt pain thanks to placebo ...
That sounds extremely doubtful unless other techniques were used, such as this. Otherwise, it would be an unconscionable experiment.
This reference frequently refers to alternative treatments like acupuncture or hypnosis. Acupuncture for sure and hypnosis when the subject is open to it.