Good to see you again. Yes, back in May I had my 1st Swisscable audition. I say 1st, because the dealer/retailer had a technical difficulty with his Audio Hungary amp. A 2nd demo is slated for October due to my work schedule. By that time, any/all bugs will be worked out of the amp.
No. I have not auditioned Pro-Level cables/cords.
I am not opposed to any Cabling options (consumer nor pro).
Thank You for sharing Cardas' ability to play well within a Thiel -based system. The experts report that this newest generation is not as warm (rolled off) as the older offerings.
Happy Listening!
Good to see you again. Yes, back in May I had my 1st Swisscable audition. I say 1st, because the dealer/retailer had a technical difficulty with his Audio Hungary amp. A 2nd demo is slated for October due to my work schedule. By that time, any/all bugs will be worked out of the amp.
No. I have not auditioned Pro-Level cables/cords.
I am not opposed to any Cabling options (consumer nor pro).
Thank You for sharing Cardas' ability to play well within a Thiel -based system. The experts report that this newest generation is not as warm (rolled off) as the older offerings.
Happy Listening!