Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

ydjames   With the praises you heaped on the QLN Prestige 3, and the near-identity of your upstream gear with that of your 'close friend', it seems a trip to his home with your CS2.7s to compare would answer a lot of questions for you, your friend, and all of us here on this forum!  

Hahahaha! Well, I guess I could say that I played a huge part in the "near-identical" components.

My friend and I are clear about the sound signature of our speakers, as he himself likes the Thiels. We came to an agreement that we can live with either. However, if I had to draw a line between the two...

I'd say that Thiel CS2.7 has a "take no prisoners" policy going on while QLN Prestige 3 is striking a good balance between law and compassion.

One thing to note - both speakers are extremely sensitive to the choice of the power amp. In my opinion, it could be said that they take the "flavour" from the upstream.
I’m gonna be selling my thiel cs 3.5’s: anyone close to or within Wisconsin wants a pair. Not sure what a fair price would be but I know I’ve spent at least 800 on parts making these sing again. Very good condition.

It's great to hear from someone who has heard the Qln Prestige 3 in several systems. I'm still very much committed to my Thiel 2.2s, especially when I think about how much it would cost to replace my Thiels with anything that would sound as good. However, I'm always on the lookout for great-sounding back-up options to consider if my 2.2s develop problems that can't be easily repaired.

I'll have to look into the Tellurium Q cables as I explore ongoing cable options.