Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

I share your concerns about "pro" vs. "high-end" cable controversies. I've had a chance to compare Belden 1800F XLRs to several "mid-end" interconnects, and I much prefer other cables to the Beldens. In my system, the Beldens are a bit harsh sounding, with lack of fullness in the bass and an overall lack of refinement. I haven't listened to the Benchmark XLRs, but they apparently use Canare Star Quad L-4E6S wire with Neutrik connectors. In reading cable discussions by several pro audio folks on a pro gear forum, I've noticed that many of them prefer Grimm TPR to any of the Mogami, Canare, or Belden wire, and some seem to feel that star-quad XLRs don't sound as good as other geometries in situations where going all-out to reduce noise is not a major requirement. Lately, I've seen positive comments about Vovox unshielded wire and a new cable from GhostCables designed to sound better than Grimm while not costing as much as Vovox.

As far as long XLRs go, I may try a Grimm TPR pair or possibly the new GhostCables XLRs to see how they perform compared to my current Cardas Clear Reflection XLRs. I'll post some comments if I decide to invest the $150 needed to buy an 18-foot pair of "pro" XLRs. I guess that's a pretty small investment in the interest of advancing my own personal home version of "cable science."

I certainly will post my audition time later in Fall.
Summer is winding down quickly.

Happy Listening!

I hope your 3.5 loudspeakers find the next good home soon.
This is a very popular model among the Panel.

Happy Listening!
sdl4 - thanks for your cable feedback. Indeed star quad's major claim to fame is rejection of incoming noise - and that is not as big a concern for hi fi as for pro environments. BTW: I use Vovox unshielded for my recording mic feeds and love it. Please keep us apprised of your studies. I among many want to know a cost-effective wire solution.
ydjames - regarding your 2.2s. They will be viable for a long time. The Thiel ultratweeter has a drop in moving system that is fiber rather than aluminum. I'll be evaluating any XO changes that might be needed. The midrange has a modern ScanSpeak drop in replacement. I'll be tweaking that also. The woofer is all-Thiel, being the first Thiel driver after the CS5i woofers to utilize the decked out motor, plus the double cone geometry. Those are bomb-proof, plus Rob has hundreds on hand and lots of moving system rebuild kits.

The 2.2 has been my professional monitor since 1990 for artist evaluations of mixes and mastes. I know it and love it. I have developed a simple cabinet brace between the woofer and passive radiator to quiet that 300Hz resonance, for a more solid upper bass / lower midrange. And the same ClarityCap x Mills upgrades that Beetlemania did on his 2.4s all apply to the 2.2s. And there's more. I've done more work on the 2.2 than all other models combined.  When you're ready to hotrod them, I hope to be ready to make you happy. Meanwhile, Rob can handle any maintenance issues.