Removing a ZERO from the price of amps

I mentioned a quote from Bruno on Computer Audiophile interview about a year ago saying the goal of Purifi is to remove a ZERO from the price of amps. Sounded very exciting a year ago and we are now getting close to getting this out to consumers.

A Benchmark AHB2 and one of these Purifi amps for me please.
I have been manufacturing products and modifying products for over 42 years. I have less than 1% unhappy customers. This includes over 100 modified CD, DVD, SACD and Blue Ray players (most of which were stock players that were sent in to mod so the customer got to hear the improvement), 100 Millennium DACs (see reviews in Audio Review), 15 Hand Made DACs, a dozen amps make last year using highly modified IceEdge modules, hundreds of passive preamps including the Ultimate Attenuators (class A rated in Stereophile for 7 years), hundreds of Ground Enhancers (ear tuned litz wire ground enhancer for amplifier), etc. etc.

So, those that have heard what I do love it and know that I improve their product or that the product is a superior product. Then there are others with no direct experience with my products (listening tests) who think what I do is "useless tweaks". Is it useful to believe someone with no experience? Or is it more useful to believe those that actually tried something? You can look at a pile of apples and decide that a particular apple you would never want......then someone comes up to the vendor and buys that apple and takes a bite and right in front of you says....Man, this is the best apple I have ever tasted. Are you willing to expand your state of experience? Taste it, you might like it. Way over 1000 customers say my apples are seriously good.....and that is after tasting them.

90% of what makes sound different (and better sometimes) cannot be least, not at this time.  This factoid freaks out the measurement people.  I believe some measurements are needed (especially with regard to speakers).....however, most things that lower audible distortion need to be discovered and implemented by careful listening tests.  Most of the techniques I use are ideas I got from reading or talking to others.  Some things I have discovered on my own.  Once you realize that "everything makes a difference".......then you have an infinity of possibilities.  This is what makes this game fun.  It never ends, you are always learning and growing and the sound just keeps getting better.  I wish you all an ever expanding joy.
My big beefy 50Lb Roksan power amp died (120W a channel, about 9k new with its preamp). I had bought it second hand, and did not have car type money for a replacement. I was keen not to downgrade myself. I plucked up the courage and went class D. I mean it might work, maybe - this from someone who hated the early CD players. 

So I bought a 2K NAD C298. Well, I bought 2, for no good reason other than they seemed a bit small and weedy compared with what I had lost. I have come to love the big slam one can get from a powerful amp. 

Then life throws me a curve. Only one NAD turns up. I tried it anyway, not expecting much. Its gain (with pot bypassed) was the same as the Roksan. 

Well, long story short, I was impressed. There was no loss of slam or low bass. The music sounded as fun as before. But there was a lovely delicacy about the top end. Things sounded very "clean", sort of brand new. Even my technophobe other half noticed and started waffling on unprompted about lots of spaces between the instruments. I was pleased, and decided that the second unit, when it turned up, was going to be returned. So definitely a cost efficient purchase. 

Well, of course when NAD number 2 turned up I had to try it. I mean, you would, wouldn't you? I was sort of expecting to either hear nothing, or maybe hear more bass (the power output per channel goes waaay up when you bridge them, even though the gain stays the same). 

Well, there was no more bass, and I could really hear a difference. Stereo improved (no idea why), the treble got sweeter (and it was nice before) but the big difference was that everything just got more exciting. I think with 2 I was playing louder, as there was none, or much less, of that shouty, fatiguing sound that makes me turn the volume down. Jeez it would dance. 

I kept the second unit. 

My speakers do dip down to 4 ohms, but the amps have never hit protection.