Dodson Audio - Still in Business?

I have been trying to reach Dodson Audio recently to get my dac upgraded. I have left several voice messages with no response and now the number has been disconnected. Is Dodson still in business? Does anybody know what is going on?
check with jeffs sound values, some of the guys used to work together at a stereo shop a while back..
I checked with a Dodson dealer who had been told the same thing that I was told.
FWIW, if you go to the Dodson website, it says "Dodson Audio is Moving - Website under construction". It did not say this yesterday...

I'm a Dodson dealer and spoke with Ralph about a month ago. Was told the same thing as mentioned above...that a family issue had forced him to put things on hold until the beginning of May. A little frustrating to say the least, because there seems to be some newly-generated interest in the DA-218 (an unusual number of inquiries as well as potential orders in the last 2-3 months).
"Was told the same thing as mentioned above...that a family issue had forced him to put things on hold until the beginning of May. A little frustrating to say the least..."
This would tend to corrborate the story even further: now we're 3 for 3. A little frustrating perhaps, but COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE, and APPROPRIATE from a broader life perspective. As Fatman points out:
"Family is definitely more important....."
I agree with that and support Mr. Dodson--and his decision--fully. I would hope and expect that others would as well.
In the Fall of 2002, I bought a mint Dodson DA-217 MkII-D, here on AudiogoN, to use with a Denon DCD-1650AR CD player. Since the player only had a single RCA digital output, I used a 1.5-meter Harmonic Technology Magic Digital One cable with RCA terminations. This was a big improvement on the CD player alone. In the Fall of 2004, I sent the DAC back to Ralph to install the 218 software upgrade, an AES/EBU input, and isolation transformers on the RCA and AES/EBU inputs. To keep the upgraded DAC company, I sold the Denon CD player and the RCA digital cable, and bought (again here on AudiogoN) an Audio Research CD3 MkII and a 1.0-meter length of the same digital cable, with XLR terminations.

Now, with my Rowland 201's and my Thiel 3.6's, I'm a "happy camper", and I'm grateful that I had the DAC upgrade performed when I did.

Thanks, Ralph! We wish you a speedy and satisfactory resolution of the "family issue", and we hope that you can continue supplying your splendid DAC to an appreciative audio community.