Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
bdp is Black Diamond Pearl, the drum shell wrap I love and collect. 24 is the size bass drum I prefer and play, 24 inches in diameter.
It ` s only rock an`roll, but I love it!
The Stones, original bad boys....of Rock and Roll!
The Stones the original bad boys? Only if you don't include the 50's rockers like Jerry Lee Lewis---they would run home to mommy after spending a night partying with him.
It was the name of the manufacturer of the motorhome I lived in. Lean times but I was footloose and went whichever way felt right with little real stress.