What Integrated Amp do You use

        What integrated amp do you use, i picked up a Parasound Hint6 and totally fell in love. This thing is such a perfect all around performer, i was curious as to what other Integrated Amp people where using and why

Ahhh...A man of refinement and discerning taste!

I run mine with early 70’s production 7581A’s , early 60’s Tung Sol Black Plate 12BH7A and 60’s production Fisher ECC85 Triple Mica

Stonkingly good 60’s Vintage Japanese Amplifier
A Willsenton kt88 with 4 Gold Lion kt88’s, 3 Psvane CV181’s, and 2 Tungsol 6SL7 tubes. $1250 for the amp delivered. 45 watts in ultra linear, and 22 watts in Triode. Sublime!
@millercarbon, you’re so fortunate to have the foresight to acquire a Melody amplifier. I’ve always wanted one, but didn’t have the vision to acquire one when they were affordable. They went from barely $2k to $10k! Good for you!
Oh well, I don't want anywhere near $10k for mine! Haven't listed it yet, too busy. It really is a nice amp. Mine comes with a few improvements, spare tube sets, full Total Contact treatment, much better than your average Melody.