So how much do you think the placebo effect impacts our listening preferences?

My hypothesis is that for ~%97 of us, the more a headphone costs the more we will enjoy the headphone.

My secondary hypothesis is that the more I told consumers a headset cost, the more they would enjoy the phones. i.e. a $30 headphone < $300 headphone < $3,000 headphones <<< $30,000 headphones.

I’m willing to bet that if I put the kph 30i drivers in the focal utopia’s chassis and told participants in this fake study that the phones cost $4k.... Everyone except for the 3%ers would never guess something was up. The remaining 97% would have no clue and report that it was the best set they ever heard.

Then if I gave them the kph30i and explained it was $30. 97% of people would crap on them after hearing the same driver in a different chassis.

My ultimate hypothesis is that build quality and price are the two most important factors in determining if people will enjoy a set of headphones. This how I rationalize the HD8XX getting crap on when only 3 people have heard it and publicly provided their opinion lol. "It’s a cheaper 800s, of course it’s going to sound worse!"

What a waste of time for you to have written all of that.

At least you made a keyboard happy.

I never tell others they are wrong about anything. I may offer a unique answer or solution, but that’s it.

Everyone is entitled to their own experiences and opinions. It’s a free country. Pushing others to believe that only your views are correct makes you less credible.

I’ve known people who owned celebrity headphones that were made of cheap plastic and sounded terrible. What did I do when they asked me what I thought?! I simply said to them - if you enjoy them, that’s what matters. I said that personally, they are not headphones I would use; but to each their own.

I never said headphones equal the performance of loudspeakers directly. If anything, you are bringing confusion to an otherwise intellectually honest discussion. People who know what they are talking about don’t have anything to prove to others; much less a community of strangers on an online forum.

If anyone is directed to the wrong information, that is not your responsibility. This is not a classroom. These folks are not your students. Can we turn to page 999 now?
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I never said headphones equal the performance of loudspeakers directly.
Ha. Impressive retort. Nice lame attempt a a dodge, and that’s true. Indirectly. You implied headphones were better, except for the bass.
If anything, you are bringing confusion to an otherwise intellectually honest discussion.
No, I’m actually bringing some clarity for  people who might not know better.  And there’s nothing intellectually (or sonically) honest to what you stated. 
If anyone is directed to the wrong information, that is not your responsibility.
Well, neither is it yours to overconfidently state misleading things about something you clearly know little about. Maybe we’re even then, eh? Here endeth the lesson.

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Oh man, Reddit needs you. They love inexperienced, ignorant, overconfident people over there. And since professors don’t answer to principals, I’ll just stay right here thanks. I’ve seen your other posts, and if you continue shamelessly flaunting your ignorance here, believe me I won’t be the only one calling you out. Reddit is your friend — it’s a much better fit for you.