Can you suggest a warm high-end CD player?

I want warm warm warm and accurate, not muddy, not bright, not "digital" sounding. $5,000-$15,000 range (give or take). Any suggestions?
I third the Audio Aero Capitole MK II. Or, for considerably less money, their earlier Capitole called simply the 24/192 is phenonomal for about half the cost. You should be able to pick one up for about $2600-$2800 used.
APL Denon 3910 - tube output; warm, accurate, great soundstaging - for less than $5K.
I wouldn't call the Ayre cx-7 or cx-5 "warm", more neutral IMHO. I agree with the Capitole, or for something a little more subtle the Electrocompaniet. I owned an EMC-1up for a while and it was a great player, probably the best thing I can say is it is not an impressive demo piece, it's strengths are subtle and you need to listen to it for a while to hear how much it does "right".
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