Can you suggest a warm high-end CD player?

I want warm warm warm and accurate, not muddy, not bright, not "digital" sounding. $5,000-$15,000 range (give or take). Any suggestions?
your right, the Ayre CD 5 xe is not exactly warm, but in part it depends on the equipment it is paired with, as well the speakers. As well, eraticating all emi and rf will further the chances of this piece to be warm. I think it is warm but all the other pieces of the puzzle need to be in place. Neutral is a fair consideration of this piece overall. well done
I would highly recommend the Cary 303 or 306. The Cary house sound is a little on the dark side with a very nice, warm midrange.
another cd player to consider is one of the older metronome.
how about the top of the line lector ?
I would strongly recommend the Sony9000esBonModwright, its
less than 3K,trust me this is a heck of a good unit.Its less
expensive than most cdp, but I prefer it more than the players cost 2X.Dan give good service,you also have to consider this,try do do research, before you buy.Many agoners have provided good info who does not give good
service,thanks to them.Good Luck
Our new Metronome CD5-Signature offers accuracy & dynamics with a 6922 tube output to "flavor" the sound any way you like.

More info:

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio