$10K or less speakers for 20x20 rm with open back

Willing to spend about $7500-10K for speakers to place in my family room which has an open back to the kitchen, with the family room being about 20x20.. I do not have a system at all right now, unless you count my iPhone and Bose docking system, so anything I get will be a major improvement.

Aside from being unsure about the power and components, I have listened to these 3 speakers so far....Focal 1038be, Aerial 7T and Salk SoundScape 8. Most of the time the system will be on for general use but when I get the chance i really like to listen to the music loud.

Considering going to the Capital Audio Fest in 2 weeks to get an idea of else maybe out there.

Any comments on the 3 speakers mentioned above and if there are other things I should consider that price range?

There's a pretty enthusiastic (and well-informed) review for the Focal 1038 Be II's here.
Decision made. Revel Studio 2 and Hegel H300.

Is a Mac Mini the best, most reasonable way to get my iTunes music to the Hegel? I keep hearing about Jriver as a good way to manage the music library.
Used Cello Stradivari Master now on the 'gon.
Used Sonus Faber Amati Homage now on the 'gon.
Used Von Schweikert VR4 Sr. now on the 'gon.
Used Von Schweikert refurbished VR5 now on the gon.
Used ATC100 now on the gon.


You should try to hear PMC IB2i as well.

07-18-14: Keithtexas
Used Cello Stradivari Master now on the 'gon.
Used Sonus Faber Amati Homage now on the 'gon.
Used Von Schweikert VR4 Sr. now on the 'gon.
Used Von Schweikert refurbished VR5 now on the gon.
Used ATC100 now on the gon.

Looks like the OP already made his
decision. However, since we're on the woulda-coulda-shoulda phase, I'll add my
own: there are two pairs of near-mint Magneplanar 20.1s listed (with
enhancements) for under $6K. It's hard to beat that much radiating surface to
energize a large space, while the dipole radiation pattern helps control
bass/room resonances. The money saved (up to $4K) would buy a *pair* of really
good powered subwoofers to fill out the bottom octave. For $10K you would
have a rig that truly competes with the Wilson Maxx or Focal Utopia