More watts or better power ?

Hello, I am currently running a PS Audio BHK Preamp, which has a tube input stage, to a Pass Labs XA25, Class A (50watts at 4 ohms) power Amp, into a pair of Sonus Faber Minima Amator II bookshelf speakers. My system sounds very good, and at 4ohms, I have 50 watts of power to my speakers, which is on the lower end of their rating.

What would be a better investment (most bang for the buck) into the system? Replace the XA25 with a higher watt amp (PS Audio BHK 250?), or spend the same money on a power conditioner (PS Audio Power Plant II?) Or upgrade the Minima Amator (which are sounding very good) to another set of speakers.

The system is in my bedroom, I have a very small house, hence the smaller Sonus Faber Speakers. I have beenplaying around with an SVS micro sub as well.

Other system parts, Clear Audio Concept/ Concept MC, Pass Labs XP15, Little Green Roon Server, Schitt Yiggi, and a Luxman MQ 88 Tube amp in rotation.

Appreciate your input
Mark O

The Pass amp is way more powerful than its rating. It is 25 watts class A but it then switches to class AB and is good for over 70 watts.
We need to get some facts straight here… the XA25 shoots WAY above its ratings, as is typical of Pass Class A amps. The class a’s run very high biased mostly pure class A to the clipping point. Here are the actual measurements for that amp…

“Pass Labs specifies the XA25's output power as 25Wpc into 8 ohms and 50Wpc into 4 ohms (both equivalent to 14dBW). However, as you can see in figs. 4 and 5, the amplifier exceeded its specified power output at the clipping point, which we define as when the THD+noise equals 1%. At that THD+N percentage the XA25 delivered 80Wpc into 8 ohms (19dBW) and 130Wpc into 4 ohms (18.1dBW). It appears from the shape of the traces in these graphs that Pass specifies the XA25's power as when the THD+N is close to 0.01%”

The amp is not an issue with your speakers. Look into other areas, cables, room, placement etc, as others have mentioned.
A used PS Audio P5 regenerator made a huge difference to my system, but our power is awful.  Usually when I look, incoming AC is about 17% total harmonic distortion, and outgoing is about 1.5%.  The wife and sons noticed a difference.
What a crock of sh*t!  If you follow all this advice, you'd: replace pre-amp, amp, speakers, speaker cable, interconnects, add a power conditioner/regenerator, DAC, ... Would you be any happier?  Would you enjoy your listening sessions any more?  If you do make any changes, make them one at a time, giving yourself sufficient time in between changes to understand the differences you have achieved.  Fun hobby, but sometimes we stress unnecessarily!

marktheshark OP
PS Audio BHK Preamp to a Pass Labs XA25, Class A, Sonus Faber Minima Amator II
What would be a better investment (most bang for the buck)

Sell both of these and get an Integrated 120w Gryphon Diablo 120 it has the Class-A sound of the XA25 but with heap more wattage and grunt (current) also.

Cheers George