Air Tight ATM-300R or Shindo Cortese 300B


First of all, the english is not my native language. Sorry if I don't make myself understood correctly.

Here in audiogon found a lot of trends with ATM-300R x Cortese 300b, but almost all of them end up deviating to other suggestions or there is no continuity.

My preamp is the Luxman CL38uC and the speaker is an DIY with horn and 98 db and 8 ohms. My listening dedicated space is smal (15' x 10') and I love jazz.

I this context, Air Tight or Shindo?

Comments are welcome!

I few months before I bought an Dr, Freickert Protractor buying direct from Dr. Freickert in Germany.

Even this protractor being very light with a small package, after all I pay 1K euros for the Protractor.

Imagine an power amp heavy and expensive...

Wow, that is miserable.  I wish you luck in terms of finding the right amp.  Good news is Shindo and Air Tight are not average amps and you aren't settling with either of them.  

Have you thought about the Luxman?  It is phenomenal and ships with Takasuki's?
Luxman would be an excellent choice. But unfortunately it is, at least here, in another price class.

Our Luxman dealer charges a price that makes it much more expensive than Shindo and Air Tight.

The Air Tight itself can, at a higher cost, be ordered with the Takatsuki.

I've been following some topics about the 300b valve and, once I choose the power, I'll have another fun guaranteed with tube rolling.

I heard the Cortese 300b on A23 horns - I actually preferred the little Montille. The 300b was too midrange centric for me, a bit closed in sounding. Shindo amps are more flavor, than better. 
My favorite Shindos were the Lafons, long discontinued. The Haut Brion as well for efficient speakers. 

Montille seems to be almost unanimous. An unbeatable value for money!

I also noticed that, at least here on the audiogon, we have more owners of the Cortese F2a than the Cortese 300b.
