More watts or better power ?

Hello, I am currently running a PS Audio BHK Preamp, which has a tube input stage, to a Pass Labs XA25, Class A (50watts at 4 ohms) power Amp, into a pair of Sonus Faber Minima Amator II bookshelf speakers. My system sounds very good, and at 4ohms, I have 50 watts of power to my speakers, which is on the lower end of their rating.

What would be a better investment (most bang for the buck) into the system? Replace the XA25 with a higher watt amp (PS Audio BHK 250?), or spend the same money on a power conditioner (PS Audio Power Plant II?) Or upgrade the Minima Amator (which are sounding very good) to another set of speakers.

The system is in my bedroom, I have a very small house, hence the smaller Sonus Faber Speakers. I have beenplaying around with an SVS micro sub as well.

Other system parts, Clear Audio Concept/ Concept MC, Pass Labs XP15, Little Green Roon Server, Schitt Yiggi, and a Luxman MQ 88 Tube amp in rotation.

Appreciate your input
Mark O

I agree with a-lot of the comments good input. I have to focus on two things. Great speakers for your room or small office. You will notice a remarkable difference with more power ie 200 wRMS plus.
It does sound that you have the upgrade itch. I have found that once you have the right amount of power everything else falls into place.
IMO your amp sounds great with more efficient speakers. 89db +
If you’ve a small room what is it do you feel your 50 watt Class A amp isn’t providing? I’m in a small 10 x 15’ room. I’m driving Martin Logan Summits with a 45 watt tube amp. I’ve grateful to find bliss in a small room. 
Hi Op,
I don't usually post here, but from reading through this thread your amp act as a voltage source, outputting 14 volts. Assuming that at dynamic peaks you are using 100 watts total, that would mean that your speaker cable has to handle 2 amps per channel. At a 30 foot run, in order to maintain voltage within 1% loss, you would need #8 awg cable for your speakers. Smaller cable will cause significant voltage drops at higher current loads limiting the dynamics of the amp. You've got great stuff, try either a shorter run, or beef up your wire gauge on your speaker cable.
Best Regards,
Have you done a room frequency analysis with a reference mic and then adjusted the EQ to get the vibe you desire?