Bass sensation like a loud car system in home?

I know this is a bit of a silly question but bear with me here:

What options are there for getting that feeling of a powerful subwoofer vibrating through your body in your home?  I know the easiest option would be to just put a capable subwoofer next to your seating and let it hit as hard as it can.  I'm also not trying to make all of my neighbors hate me so I'm looking for some creative solutions to pulling it off at reasonable residential volumes.

I'm thinking that some combination of tactile transducers in the couch and a subwoofer next to or also installed inside of the couch would get pretty close.  Being right under your body I wonder what kind of decibels would actually be required to get a bass massage going.  Without the sensation of the high volume bass it also might just seem silly and be a complete waste of time aside from watching movies.

Since I'm not interested in have 140dB of bass in my home lets say SQ system.  Clean and defined sub bass yet strong enough to cleanly vibrate through your body.
Let me give you a clue.
When you’re in your car with it’s sub bass system thumping away, all your neighbours do hate you, both those next to you at the lights and in the dwellings all around, especially at two in the morning.
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Headphone SUBS. Work perfect. I can see them on YOUR head not mine.. :-)  Heavy notes, your tongue pops out, eyes bulge if you have a hemorrhoids, you figure it out.. LOL

Boom Boom, ROMP!!