HELP! I bought equipment drunk, don’t know anything.

So I woke up with a very sore head and depleted bank account this morning.

Recently bought an Audiolab 6000a and Elekit TU-8500 tube preamp. I’ve never owned a preamp before and I hope they’re compatible for my KEF Q11.

I then had a few bottles of wine...

Woke up and saw I had purchased a passive pair of Bryston A2.

Will the amp be able to power the speakers? I don’t listen to loud music. 
Please help this idiot. 
Lost track of this thread. Has anyone got the Coyote Ugly component yet?
Just pipping in from the sidelines because this this thread is getting long in the tooth and needs to be closed out...

I took some earlier poster’s advice on board and bought some Red Breast Irish whiskey and woke up to a Rega turntable receipt and postage notification. True story unless the missus is asking. Scout’s honour. Whatever it takes - I’m new to this.

The A2s, Audiolab 6000a in poweramp mode and Elekit preamp with some nos jan g.e 5814s has been a dream purchase for a person on a budget. Coming from a powered studio monitor background, I’m floored by the detail and depth of this set up. Music has never sounded better to me. Silver medal cos could add a sub for the gold.

No troll. All truth. Appreciate all the responses and advice. All the best, Ronnie

Hi thecarpathian - they chose me. An acquaintance had an old new pair so I grabbed them to compare with the JJs that came with the kit. First time I’ve rolled. Sound is marvellous. Why do you ask?
Just curious as to the circumstances. There is a massive amount of nos 12au7 variants out there. If you are inclined to try more, I suggest Amperex, the older the better. These will be the ecc82 type. If you like their sound, they also make the 7316, which is considered by many to be best sounding 12au7 variant of them all.
Caveat, NOT inexpensive.