Cable Goop Review George is going to freak!!

It improves even more with time. Great review and looking forward to your additional results.

One of the things that amazes me,is that this is not a high dollar system,yet I still yield great results.  And really,I shouldn't be that shocked,because when you start adding all the little things together,they add up to something much larger. No big secret there. 
IME, once you get the room right, most any "upgrade" (good or bad) is easy to hear. BTW, Your results with this product are the same as mine. Also, as Ozzy stated, it only gets better. 
I’m starting to hear what you folks are saying about things getting better. I had a good 4hrs of listening earlier,and one thing I noticed was focus. The instruments were better defined in the soundstage ,I guess you could say laser focused. Like when you turn the lenses on a pair of binoculars. Things are a little fuzzy,and then bingo,things are so well defined,it’s almost startling. 
rocray, The closer you use it to the origin of the music the more focused it will get. If you stream music I suggest you also treat cat 5 cable connections, Wifi power cords, etc. It will keep improving over the next several weeks. This stuff is so good, it is scary.