How do I warm up my system?

I have a Sony 555ES, deHavilland tube preamp, Nuforce amps and SP technologies speakers. System very detailed but highs are bright and harsh.

Considering DAC and or equalizer.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
While you are awaiting a more comprehensive solution, please try the $7.95 Herbie's Audio Lab Grungebuster2 CD mat when you play CD's. For this microscopic price, the bright, harsh edge may be tamed enough to let you relax until other ideas can be considered for system/room tuning.
Herbie's proprietary isolation feet beneath your equipment and speakers may further help, again, very modestly priced, and returnable if not working for you.
The effect of absorbing micro and macro vibrations throughout a system can sometimes manifest as relief from what troubles you about the sound, as well as making other aspects of your sound get better. The extremely long 90 day trial period is enough time to be sure of what you hear, even as you make any changes suggested by other Audiogon members.
Dac or eq is not going to do. Get that sony as far away as possilbe and dont use it as at transport.use it to play background music outside.
Throw some Vibrapods underneath your cd player tha'll help big time...............
I know that Sony and it isn't the greatest but it definately isn't bright or harsh in any way (I now have a 333ES). Same for deHavilland. I think your amps are the problem and I would recommend you try changing them out with something else before using any bandaids. The British press had the same comment as you about the NuForces (reference 9s).

details about setup:

-listening position
-room treatment

as a general rule.. consider a dac or a different source...