How do I warm up my system?

I have a Sony 555ES, deHavilland tube preamp, Nuforce amps and SP technologies speakers. System very detailed but highs are bright and harsh.

Considering DAC and or equalizer.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
your electronics may be spectrally unbalanced and unforgiving of poorly recorded source material.

i ahd the dehavilland in my system and sent it back. i did not perceive a tube like sound.

the nuforce is solid state and also not very kind in the treble range.

you could try anti resonant devices under components designed to "soften", such as furniture foam, sorbothane, sound fusion sound boosters.

you could try changing ac c9ords for your amp and pre. you could try line conditioners and other filter devices.

but, unfortunately, short of changing your electronics (i'm not familiar with your speaker), only an equalizer will create the results you desire. try 'em you may like one of them.
Use the Irrational, But Efficacious disk from Ayre Accoustics. You will be pleasanatly impressed.
add a Class A amplifier, sure to delight, warm up your room, add ambiance, air, etc. As we ALL know anything BUT pure Class A is $hite!