Please recommend a powerful tube amplifier


I have Audio Research 250SE (~200 watts) monoblocks and my new speakers are Wilson Audio Sasha DAWs. I like the "ARC tube amplifiers to Wilson Sasha speakers" sound and the power is important. Please help me - what about Doshi Audio monoblocks, other Audio Research tube amplifiers, VAC, VTL, Balanced Audio Technology, Jadis, McIntosh, etcetera? All relevant recommendations are most welcome.
  • I am not interested in solid state power amplifiers;
  • I am interested in monoblocks;
  • I would like a minimum of >140 watts per monoblock (or channel for single chasis) to drive the Wilson Sasha DAW speakers.
Thank you in advance!
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I have no problem with Audio Research products but I have been very happy with the Conrad Johnson equipment I have. I’ve heard other amps but so far nothing has made me say, "It’s time to change..." If your system was my system, I would stay with the Audio Research products.   
Why get rid of the ARC 250SE amps? Any change is a sideways move at best! They certainly have enough volts and current to drive the Wilson's very well! I think you have become neurotically obsessed with the idea of a "different" sound! Stick with what you have! 
If you really need to scratch that itch there is a Convergent Audio Technology C.A.T. JL-2 for sale here on Agon. $11950. Single-chassis with 8 KT120's per side for 200 wpc! Designed by Ken Stevens. I'd take it any day over any ARC or other five-figure tube amp!