Takayuki 300B vs Western Electric NEW Production 300B

Hi everyone,

Has anyone had the good fortune to audition or own both of these fine 300b tubes?

I am particular in the "New Production"  Western Electric 300b, which seems to be heading in the right direction, vs the Takayuki 300B, which mimics the original Western Electric, and many have stated is a very good 300b.

Both are approximately the same price, with the Western Electric coming with a 5 year warranty.

I'll be using a matched pair in my Vinnie Rossi L2iSE integrated preamp section. Just which brand?

Any comments would be appreciated in sound quality choices.

No matter what, get a small supply before the gouge starts.. They have gone up 20% across the board on Name brands.. Surplus eastern block small valves, are still stable. There is a LOT of surplus, there is no shortage there.

300s were meant to last 100,000 PLUS hours not MINUS hours. I ran 2 pairs of WE for 5 years in the late 90s. They didn't wear very much.. In the 90s Western Electrics were 500.00 a pair used with 80% left in the tank..

I put at least 25,000 hours on them they were at 75% or better.

Transporting them and NOT packing them right.. BIG no no.. I like soft thick foam.
I am following more because I haven’t heard the new WE 300Bs other than in their room at AXPONA 2019 in their amps. They sounded great, but that was a very controlled environment. Would like to hear about real world usage and how they are doing. I am considering using them instead of KRs when I ship my Art Audio Harmony Silver Amps.

The Takasukis are tremendous but it in the end, it depends on the amp you are running them. The Taksukis to me are at there very best when not being driven hard and are biased so max output on the amp is 6-8w. I would never put them in a push-pull.

In a push-pull, I prefer KRs simply because they have a 10w higher plate dissipation and are designed to be driven hard without compromising tube life.

For someone who needs sixteen 300Bs, yikes! IMO, best cost/performance value ratio are the Emission Labs 300Bs. They are not inexpensive, but they are typcially $675 a pair (~$600 if you order 16). They are a clear step up from the Gold Lions. However, if you have the budget, KRs would do better though for the reasons mentioned above as I assume that must be a push-pull design.  
willgolf in about 15 more years start looking for new valves.. That is the ONLY reason to use that valve.


I had 97-A Western Electric amps.. They were nice amps. No body knew what they were back then.

They came out of an old theater. I never had to buy a single valve in the 12 years I had them.

They last for EVER. What they really don’t like. Vibration.

Ooops.....Yes Takatsuki. I missed that one.

I am leaning towards the Takatsuki in my preamp/Integrated. It should perform well.

I just feel the new issue Western Electric 300b's would be quite good too.
But of course hearing is believing, and I will not purchase two pairs of different brand high end 300b's.

I may hold back on the purchase of 300b's for my Vinnie Rossi L2iSE as Vinnie is about to release a newer higher end amp line very soon. Just curious to see if he is keeping the 300b's in his design, which I suspect he will.