Sonus Faber vs Wilson

I currently own a pair of absolutely gorgeous Serafino Tradition speakers. They are about 3 months old and I’ve finally got them positioned nicely in my room. They are being driven by a Gryphon Diablo 300. Great soundstage and imaging even off access. Tremendous detail and I just love the way the speakers look. I must add that it’s really important to me how all this stuff looks in my home. I love the tight fast and nuanced delivery of the Gryphon but not loving the way it looks…alas..that sound made the decision for me and I’ve hidden it away so my wife doesn’t have a coronary.

So….this brings me to my newest quandary. My local dealer has a gorgeous dedicated listening room in the lovely Biltmore hotel just minutes from my home. (Very dangerous…!) There are a pair of Wilson Sasha DAW speakers that sound…well…that sound like the best speakers I’ve heard. I absolutely HATE the way they look…and I would dread getting them up the three front steps of my home…but that sound….

Do I keep the lovely sounding and gorgeous looking Serafino’s or swap them for the ugliest best sounding speakers I’ve ever heard.? 
(There is an $18k price difference so there’s that too…!)

jomonhifi OP
Gryphon Diablo 300.

Wonderful amp.
 That’s defiantly a keeper, and will drive either the Sonus Faber vs Wilson to their best.
The sound of the Gryphon is Class-A type of sound, which to me is prefect. But some say it can sound a "little" dark, I think it’s because it’s not in your face like a Class- A/B and D can sound.

And that makes me say it will be a little more suited to the Wilson, as the Sonus Faber sound is also said to be a "little" dark.

Cheers George
I think you should keep the SF for a year or two and spend the time thinking about what you want long term. Maybe go and listen to other speakers in the same price range as the Wilsons. Like Magico, Focal, Von Schweikert, MBL, etc. You may like both their sound and their looks.
Some speakers I think look great and sound great:


Less good looks but great sound:
At an eighteen thousand dollar upgrade the salesman brings them to your house for a demo. A two week demo. Everything goes OK you work out a deal for the demoed speakers or order the pair and color you want. See if the salesman will let you keep one of the speakers until your speakers come in. Demo, Demo, and Demo in your home. This way you can see if you can live with them. 
There is no correct answer to the question: It seems to me the Wilsons should have been on your list of speakers to consider before purchasing the SF's. Now, if you change, you will take a big financial hit & you will own ugly but great sounding speakers. Maybe, you need a dedicated room where the Wilsons are hidden from view.