Actual Lead Time on Tekton Speakers

Hi All-

I've had a pair Tekton speakers and a sub on order since the last week of February. When I placed the order they said they were running 8-10 weeks for shipment. I knew at the time that these were made to order and that there was a substantial lead time, so I'm not complaining. But I'm like a kid on Christmas Eve...

Can anyone who has recently received their speakers tell me how long it was from order to shipping? 


This is a customer relation issue for sure. BUT I wouldn’t sell my speakers out of the US. This is the exact reason why.

I’ll bet there was NO problem at ALL, just payola and a SHIPPER knowing he’s gonna get paid no matter what, IF Tekton new they had to grease someone’s palm and didn’t, that’s different than NOT knowing.
This is pure shipper screwing BOTH of you.. You’re lucky they didn’t disappear, just to reappear for a 1k fee..

IF I were to sell overseas, all the money up front before I start building AND arrange your own shipping. WAY to subject to payola.. I mean who’s gonna call a cop. You got to pay them off too and they just SLOW things down even more so. YOU get your moneys worth from them all right.

I went through a BIG issue with a seller in Perth AU. All about payola with their civil justice system, and ZERO recourse from the US side.. It was ONLY 2500.00 but nothing could or would be done.. Fly to Perth and back.. LOL 2500.00, Lawyer 5k, court cost, 500.00 LOL it was a total joke. I’ll never do business in Australia again..

Thank God it wasn’t Russia there is 5 ways in and out of that country, ALL with different payola BS..

PAY the people and settle up later.. or wait for the BIG gouge and prices really go HIGH, Wait and see. $$$$$
now $$


This seems to be a simple matter of leverage.

You say you have an invoice from Tekton with your address and shipping costs. How did you pay Tekton? If you paid via PayPal and or credit card you have the leverage. If you didn’t Tekton has the leverage.
If you paid via PayPal / Credit card inform Tekton you are going to initiate a dispute with PayPal and or your CC company as they have not delivered the product that you paid for. You have the invoice from Tekton to back up your case.
Tekton will most likely buckle at that point. If they don’t I’m sure you’ll win the dispute and Tekton will have to pay return shipping.
If you paid by some other way you probably have no leverage and will most likely have to pay the additional 350€ to get your speakers.
I wish you good luck and, should you end up with the speakers, I hope you like them.
I am sad to say, but this can happen when you purchase from a small company operating on a shoestring budget in another country.  Tekton should make this right but my money says they won’t. I would refuse the merchandise and have it sent back, then hold your breath for a speedy refund.   
Best of luck
Post removed 
I’m also +1 @woodsage 
however if you did not use PayPal and are on your own, you have to decide what your end goal is here. If you find that you’re done dealing with Tekton you may just want to contact a lawyer in Orem, UT, send them your documentation and have them open a suit in the district court. You can sue for a refund plus legal expenses. And if everything you are saying is accurate, there should be no problem winning the case. However, I don’t think Tekton will let it go that far. They will have to pay your lawyer fees and their own. Only to lose the case. I’m guessing that the bill of materials on a set of Moabs is about $2500 or so. It’s very likely that you will get your refund plus legal expenses from Tekton and Tekton will walk away from the $2500 + shipping cost loss to avoid the legal expenses. It’s the least expensive way out for them. 
Welcome to ‘Murcia.