Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Twisted phrases for sure..There is some software I have been exploring and it does show phase variations of the same driver in various box designs and even port length. You can see the vent air speed to minimize turbulence within the port. More you know the more the need to know more. Tom
The software is Vituix Cad recommended by the primary
of HiFi Compass .com a very informative website and knowledge base with numbers and graphs. Tom
tomthiel et al: "reflex bass is the industry standard" but none of the current manufacturers are claiming their speakers to be "Completely Time and Phase Coherent."  My longwinded observations and questions may be better suited to audio asylum.
Personally I dont see how phase angles of any 2 overlapping drivers could ever be a perfect overlay.
Maybe at a few frequencies but certainly not 90%. Wishful thinking
and I certainly want to learn more.
Not so sure that adding corrective filters are the best way to fly. Adding more and more parts sucks up power and will add noise and reduce dynamics. Tom
Tweak - in a first order alignment, neither driver rotates more than 90° phase shift, and the overlapping drivers are in opposite directions - they sum to zero. But that's only if each driver, in its enclosure rolls off at 6dB / octave. All that 'extra stuff' in Jim's crossovers is to counteract any anomalies in the entire system such that they do just that. Then they cancel each other and sum to zero phase shift. Since the world is never perfect, plus/minus 10% is achieved, except for the CS5 @ 5%. Convention allows these claims for 100Hz and up. We'll talk about bass later.