Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.
"The theory, wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved. " 

"I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view."

This is, of course, Tesla refuting Einstein's theories.  He couldn't "get his head around" Einstein's work and made a number of strong statements regarding it.  Possible to be very intelligent and very wrong sometimes!

Guys, after extensive break-in...and yes, it was really "wonky" along the way and it took way longer than I thought it would for a "simple" fuse...but I have gone ahead and kept the "red" fuse for my Sorcer x4. I would say the break in was ~30 days? Not exact on this one, sorry. I did hold off on my assessment because the break in was again, wonky - bright, dark, etc...and kind of fluctuated...took a while to really settle in. 

Basically, I hear more air, bigger soundstage, more depth for sure, more detail, but also more relaxed at the same time - more musical. Interestingly, some of my recordings are "more" listenable, more musical. They were good before, but now are more enjoyable. 

I did not use any paste as I wanted to "hear" the fuse and the fuse alone...I may experiment with paste later on, but I like what I am hearing now. 

Based on this I would recommend a demo and let your ears and wallet decide. 
docknow >>>

  • what did you think of the midrange now, as compared to the SR Orange?
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around just how good this fuse is. As it has continued breaking in, the midrange is coming into its own very nicely. There is a concrete realism that was not there before. The human voice is amazing. 

While the SR Orange fuse was the benchmark in all of the fuses I've tried over the years, the QSA Yellow fuse has it beat hands down. No contest. How one little fuse can make such a significant improvement is way beyond me.

When paying $213 for a fuse, which to most, seems like a ridiculous sum, one has to measure the cost by the results. I've used ICs and PCs costing ten times as much that haven't given the results this little yellow bugger is giving. 

At this point, I'm thinking that other fuse manufacturers will have to go back to the drawing board in order to stay competitive.

That's honest to God's truth. In fact, I'm ordering another one that will go into the ARC-REF 75se. 

Pleased the QSA thread is open up again.
Sure wish people with experience with the fuses and stones would contribute more. Being so incredibly impressed with the light blue fuses, I ordered yellow fuses and red stones.
Curious about the stones? Going to try placing them on the power supply of my preamp.
Curious about Total Contact or 1260 Enhancer?
Curious about the Bybee V2?
The only place a fuse has an audible effect is if it is placed in series on one of the + or - conductors of speaker wire. It will increase resistance and decrease damping factor. A bad way to protect a speaker from excessive voltage!


jasonbourne52,  This is exactly where I found out about fuses and their effect on speaker SQ. I am still a BIG fan of the old Infinity RS and IRS series speaker..

I'm going to add dampening through a passive XO is NO dampening AT ALL.  ADD a fuse or four (4) and they takes the brunt of that type of fuse arrangement.

None the less if you don't bypass the fuses circuit or keep it in VERY good condition along with all the LPads.. SQ is the first to suffer. The first time was QLS1s the second was RSIIbs in the 80s.

NOW add a 1 ohm load in the mix like the Kappa 9.0 or 8.0 series and you have a disaster because of a FUSE and ZERO dampening to boot because the drivers are NOT direct coupled to the bass amp.

George understands how an amp works VERY well and so do you, it seems. My question is why not try a fuse in the sound path and see if it makes a difference. 

IF you read some of the CRAP I post, you'll see I had much better luck using "The Fuse" in the path and  less of an effect in the PS AC path especially with amps LIKE, First Watt, Pass, Mcintosh, etc. BUT in a NP design with fuses on the other side of the AC PS, fancy fuses not only made a difference, in some cases it lead me to BYPASS the fuse circuit all together..

Carys V12R is an exception to the rule. I use a great AC power cable and a blue SR fuse (from an ACME gold) with great success. BUT I really didn't notice the BIG change until I change the fuses on the other side of the power supply. The V12 has THREE. The same way with the NP design had 2-4 depends on the design..

I'm not saying spend the big money, I'm saying that in quit a few situations IF the fuse is put in the path between good parts (Power supply to amp rail), WHY would you want to feed the amp module with the cheapest piece of lead/tin/aluminum/whatever you could find. Much like a  standard Busman fuse.

On either side of that fuse holder is GREAT copper, silver or silver clad wire. It's not a bottleneck at all, it's straight up a fuse with TONE control.. :-)

Mechanically I can explain my position, technically, I may lack the understanding of WHY, but I do know where to look for the greatest improvement in spite of the COST of a product..
