amplifier with volume control

I began my journey with an active preamp then switched to a placette passive which was more transparent but sucked the life out of my system (but I was using longer interconnects to monoblocks).  I have one source (a computer with a usb dac) and am now running direct to my amplifier which sounds much better than my previous 2 configurations. I am using a digital volume control and my thought is to change to an amp with a built in volume control - like an audion - or have a tech install one on my amplifier. My question is how is an amp with a volume control different - if at all- from a passive (simple pot in a box) connected with short interconnects to an amplifier?       thank you
check out - they make tube amps with volume controls and also a pre-amp. Made in the USA too.
I lived with and loved my passive preamps for decades. So transparent!
But about 6 years ago I thought of trying an active. Man, I was missing so much drive and PRAT. And the active was just as transparent with so much more music. Now on my third active preamp that is a destination piece. I will never go back to passive.
ieales865 posts08-13-2021 2:12am
The demands the input of an amplifier puts on a source is just like what a speaker puts on an amp
utter nonsense. This just flat out wrong. There is next to zero current required in the input of an amplifier. There is no dynamic impedance or flyback current. Like most of what MC says, PURE HOGWASH!

you will find out that a well designed pre amp will actually outperform a passive circuit with any type of dynamic music, something is lost going all passive
utter nonsense.
If the impedance and design are correct, a passive has less coloration than almost any active circuit. Some devices may not be capable of driving a passive, but that is not a fault of the passive.

All the above is utterly correct, been saying it for years. And any audio technician will say excatly the same, so long as they DON"T have a vested interest in active preamps.

Cheers George

Many thanks. I'm going to try an amp with the volume control built in (my tech has an amp for sale with this).  This is a passive configuration and I would hope that, all things being equal, that having the attenuator built into the amp would be an improvement over a separate passive box with the additional interconnect.   After I try this I do intend, based on the comments in this thread, of auditioning an active preamp and comparing to the direct connection.  My only experience with active preamps is with an audible illusions and sonic frontiers anthem, neither of which impressed me - in other words I have never owned a high quality preamp.  There were several comments here that there are active preamps that maintain the transparency of a passive  while  of course adding dynamics. Which are they - I know the 2 I owned did not. Thanks again.