any comments on demagnitizing cds ?

i have a furutech demagnetizer, model rd2. i saw one selling on audiogon recently and it reminded me that is gathering dust on the shelf.

i used it a few times and found that cds which i found annoying to my ears sounded more annoying after an application with the rd2.

when i used it with other cds, i heard less noise, but the result was too much detail.

does anyone have favorable results demagnetizing cds ?
"...aluminum or gold of which neither are magnetic."

Just because people call it a demagnetizer does not mean it is used as such, or that is what it is doing. Consider a transformer - the copper (not magnetic) wires are certainly effected by the magnetic field. Or look up inductive heating. Or best because it is so cool to watch: get a copper pipe and a strong disc magnet that just fits inside the pipe, drop the magnet through the pipe. Need an explanation, google eddy currents.

I am a RD-2 owner for two years. In my highly revealing system, the improvement with every disc - better and more bass, better soundstaging, less harsh sound, better defined voices - is often so startingly that a high end-loving friend of mine, who regularly comes over to listen to my system, asked me if I had switched to another, much better DAC, when I took out a disc I had just played, treated it with the Furutech (without him noticing), and played it again.
Why does it work? Because CDs are not made of plastic alone, but contain parts of metal. Anyone interested in how and why it works may take a look at US patent 6058078 of May 2, 2000.
by the way, i think i'll take advantage of all this positive talk about demagnetizing.

i will offer my rd 2 for sale for less than the 2 currently for sale are going for.

i'll sell mine for $220.

just send me an email if you are interested:
Mrtennis: You blasted Robert of Ridge Street Audio for trying to sell his product through the forum and here you are doing the same thing. If you want to sell something you should do what the rest of us do and by an ad.

I really have no idea why people respond to your moronic posts. Given your stated preferences, you have no credibility where sonics and judging audio equipment are concerned. People in the pursuit of magical and accurate sound can learn nothing from you, and obviously you're not interested in learning anything from the rest of us.

For Audiogoners who may have missed it, here's a highly amusing (and telling) post from Mrtennis:

i like a dull, veiled, laid,back, boring sound capable of putting me to sleep. i hate treble and i don't like detail. i like subtractive coloration to such an extent that all recordings sound the same. you can talk about detail, neutrality all day long. if you don't tap your foot, it doesn't matter. i want to relax, not bothered by detail or dynamics. veil the sound and cut off the highs. darkness and dullsville is my motto, by choice. thick caramel syrup makes me happy.
Mrtennis  (Threads | Answers)

Go figure.
ok 9rw. i criticised a mnaufacturer for seliing. there is a difference between a manufacturer and a consumer.

did you wake up this morning and take a bitter pill ?

do you have such a fragile ego that anyone who implicitly questions your idea of good sound can't have a cilvil discussion ?

for the last time, its all a matter of opinion. there is no such thing as good sound or bad sound. it is what people like.

i suggest you enjoy your stereo system and not get so exercised about someone else's opinion which doesn't agree with yours.