youare right in one respect. i offered an item for sale which is not allowed. i got carried away and was wrong. for that i apologize. regarding robert, he tried to market his products and attempted to sell. i guess we are both wrong.
now to more important matters.
as you say, accuracy is accuracy. however, ther is no way to ascertain the accuracy of a stereo system. there would be dsagreement among serious listeners as to the presence and absence of coloration in a stereo system.
evaluations could not be corroborated by proof. you cannot prove that which is the result of experience. accuarcy is definitely a result of the experience of listening.
you and others may prefer an accurate sounding stereo system, however you arrive at such an evaluation. however an accurate sounding stereo system is neither better or worse than an inaccurate one.
what i may prefer, a very subtractively colored sounding stereo system, is obviously not a desirable state for most people, but, if you remember, the statement "one man's meat is another man's poison", taste is taste.
i will respect your enjoyment of anaccurate sounding stereo system and hopefully, you will respect my enjoyment of an inaccurate sounding one. it is not personal, nor should it be viewd that way. i presume people can be friends even if their tastes are polar opposites, which, it seems is the case here.
we are human beings first, and secondarily and less important, we have our hobbies. hopefully, we are not our hobbies, otherwise, i wave my magic wand and... poof your
stereo system disappears.