Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

Great info. I've ordered the yellow for my preamp. This will be my first ever fuse upgrade and the directional rules had me a little confused. 

Sometimes it takes a little courage asking the questions you want cause no one wants to look 'stupid' to others. And asking that question, couldn't be more farther from the truth. So if you don't ask...You won't know.

@georgehifi, doing research on fuses about 3 years ago I stumbled upon this 2017 you tube video by Paul McGowan the chief electrical engineer of PS Audio about 'Audiophile fuses'. He didn't believe that something as small as a fuse could effect sound quality either.


Well, he does now, in fact he has completely changed the design of his products to make them more fuse swapping friendly.

Don't believe me, go to his PS Audio blog and you will see years of PS Audio customers sharing their stories on fuse swapping.

I got 2 light blue on the way and within ninety days - a hell of a long grace period, I'll probably get a yellow, and then...


If you have an amp that needed 2 or even 3 fuses and you decided to use 2 or 3 light blue fuses, a full complement, would you get better or worse sound from the amp using only 1 yellow at the proper direction at the proper location closet to the IEC inlet on the amp? 

@georgehifi, doing research on fuses about 3 years ago I stumbled upon this 2017 you tube video by Paul McGowan the chief electrical engineer of PS Audio about ’Audiophile fuses’. He didn’t believe that something as small as a fuse could effect sound quality either.
You guys can’t leave it alone, still trying to jag a bites?? Keep it up, in the meantime catch this for your time and effort!

Ask Paul McGowan to come on here to back what you lot say about the sound quality improvements and especially the ac fuse directionality you fuser claim, then there will be some substance in what you lot say, if he does I’ll be the 1st to give it away.
He also backed MQA at first and bought into it!!!!, and now put’s **** on it because he looked silly for backing it at first, now that the odds are against MQA for being what they say it can do.
Same will happen with the fuses, he’s goes where the $$$$$ are, and you can take that to the bank..

A fuse:
1: two end caps
2: short piece of fuse wire connecting the two end caps through a glass tube (that’s all she wrote).

To those "non technical" members that are interested, do not listen to fusers, listen to the techs of this industry that design the audio products you have.
Just clean and tighten your fuse holder and re-new your fuse (if old) with a good quality 50cent Bussman, Littlefuse or similar.
As with "many switch-on surges" they do deteriorate, bend, stretch and get crusty with electrolysis formations on their fusible wire elements before they give out, as these pics show of a fuse wire element ageing over time show. https://ibb.co/9NbTwqK
(even the $$$ boutique ones will age just as much also)
Cheers to those "non fusers" or the gullible thinking about it George

Let me get this straight. I specifically give you 1 video of Paul McGowan videos about fuses, coming directly from his mouth.

Paul McGowan the chief electrical engineer and CEO of PS Audio completely revamps his fabrication process to make his ENTIRE line fuse friendly and you still don't believe?  

Ok, no problem. So why do you even take time out of your life to even post here? Is it that your only interest is to get 10,0000 posts?

Just saying.
Hey! he did go overboard with MQA too, and then backed out when it was proved a hoax. It’s all about the $$$$.

And you’re the one who bought me back into this fuse BS