Gale 401's

Hi there,

I've had the good fortune on inheriting these speakers, though, without an amp.

My dad always said they need "power power power", but looking on other forums, people talk about sold state amps, which I know nothing about, and my dad sure didn't have one of those.

  • What's the difference between solid state and your run of the mill amp from Richersounds? 
  • Could a Cambridge Audio AXR85 power these enough to truly appreciate them?
  • or do I need to invest in something more specialist? 

Sorry for your loss.

I’d follow owner’s/previous owners advice regarding the amp (within a reasonable budget for me) and enjoy them, especially if they reminded me of my dad.

Consider letting your motivations toward stereo gear and music evolve. You may find streaming music to your setup is all you want/need.

Above all, don’t be tortured by the damm stuff. It’s a stereo. You’re the master- it’s the slave. Do what you comfortably can afford to pay and spend time enjoying. Run your race, my friend.

I have to say, there's been some great comments on this post. I've been members of many forums previously, mostly photographic, and this is probably the most helpful one I've used.

Much like photography, I can appreciate the nature of hi-fi and the rabbit hole mentality of getting bigger and better equipment.

I grew up listening to these speakers, but were switched out for something smaller about 20 years ago. I was always facinated by the sound and saw some (wooden ones) at an AirBnb a few years back and was instantly reminded of how awesome they were!

The foam thing may well be an issue and I'll remove the chrome caps to take a closer look and Vinatgegale has some great info. :)

Many thanks again for your warm welcome and advice, I look forward to delving into the world of Hi-Fi, if only brief. :)

If this is all you can afford in terms of a system, then build it the best you can and be happy. However, it is nowhere near - as typical of the bulk of vintage speakers - what is available today, of course at much higher prices as performance escalates. If this speaker whets your appetite for better, do not think for a moment the Gale is the end of the road. Not even close. People who suggest so are ignorant of the actual performance spectrum of systems.


All that to say there are better speakers?  Not really..

Gail 401s are in a class of their own, just like JBLs. No one said everyone would like them, just the ones that took the time to set them up correctly and really enjoy a great speaker..

I don't own either Gail or JBL now. I have owned and repaired a lot of JBLs.  C45 ranger is not an audiophile speaker according to some, but then I didn't ask them either.

One of my favorite systems to listen to. JBL C45, Mac driven. (My Dads set up, he owned an Edsel too.)

BUT I listen to a Victrola too..

Your speakers will need a little attention, the crossover boards will need new parts and speaker surrounds. Replace the green end copper wire inside. 3-500.00 usd would be a real push on repair cost or parts. If you can do any of it.. 

As far a the speaker being horizontal vs vertical, they image better vertical, just like any MTM setup.. Horizontal you really have to toe them in to get the inside and outside drivers to sound correct

Your Dad had great taste.. Excellent speakers..

Douglas Schroeder you do not have a clue regarding the potential of Gale 401s.When properly restored they are superb sounding things and will comfortably compare with good modern speakers in the $10,000 plus range.Which is about what they cost in real terms in their day .I have heard them side by side with Magico S5s and they do not lose much compared to them.The Magicos go a bit lower and have slightly better imaging but the Gales are just as seamless,dynamic and coherent and are more musically engaging but the overall sonics are quite similar.Like the Magicos they need a really good preamp and power amp to bring out their best.
They image better horizontal because the mid and treble are then aligned vertically.Best with the tweeter at the top which then gives good image height.