Quantum Science Audio Thread

This is a thread for those who wish to discuss Quantum Science Audio products of all types.

My system was sounding pretty glorious, too.

The SR Orange fuses really, really make a difference.

Not cheap, but in my system very, very worth it.

Everything makes a difference. Power cables, interconnects, fuses, room tweaks, all of it.

Add up all the little things, and you get a BIG difference!

I've not tried all brands, but I will say this......I used to choose not to believe in this kind of stuff, it didn't make sense. 
Then I tried a few......and while it still doesn't make sense to the logical side of my brain, the other side of my brain (the one that listens to the music) simply can't be ignored.

I have no idea how or why some of this stuff works. But it most certainly DOES work!

Guys,  if someone who has ordered the fuses would please respond:
Did you order the fuses with the same rating as the stock fuses, or did you need to go the SR route and go up?