Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning

How many of you guys truly know of Puritan Audio Labs ? Not many yet ,these are made in the U.K 
I have 3 friends in Europe that own them , and found a guy at our audio club just  an hour away 
I will check out next week , and against the much more costly AQ niagra  this removes hum,noise 
like nobodies business .model 136, and  better still model 156 all under $2k check out the video.

I forgot to mention this applies to Everything in your system 
they have a 12 outlet model also but much more $$ around $2700
Search Puritan 156.  There are at least three previous threads extolling the virtues of the unit, one started by me.
The 156 is $2300, and the 1512, which is the 12 outlet model, is $4200 in the States according to one US dealer's website. You’re quoting prices from their website but noting the wrong currency. The website prices are in pound sterling when buying in the UK. Aside from the dollar’s weakness against the pound 1.39 to 1 , I'd assume the additional difference also reflects shipping , customs and US dealer markups
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