To Stream or Not to Stream

Need advice Audiogoners... I'm considering jumping into the streaming "waters". The features of the Aurender ACS 10 are most appealing to me, specifically the CD ripper feature (have a collection in excess 7k CD's). Would coupling the Aurender with the Schitt YGGDRASIL be a good pairing? Recommendations and suggestions would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
I'm considering jumping into the streaming "waters"
Stop considering and dive in head first ASAP.  Just the access and exposure to worlds of new music makes it more than worth doing — I hardly ever listen to my own CDs anymore — with the high level of convenience being a huge bonus.  I’ve never had more fun listening to music.  I’d only add you might find everything you need in the Innuos Zen Mk3 streamer/server and save yourself a few thousand dollars.  Best of luck. 

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As noted above… if for nothing else, the amount of music avail for the $$$ simply cannot be beat. Argue the associated gear and/or service perhaps, but the access is not even a discussion. 
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