@steve I do not want to own an inefficient speaker. I prefer speakers which have at least 90 db efficiency and/or a easy to drive impedance/phase angle. The A5 has per Stereophile
"My estimate was slightly lower, at 86.5dB(B)/2.83V/m. The A5's impedance is specified as 4 ohms. Using Dayton Audio's DATS V2 system, I found that the impedance magnitude (fig.1, solid trace) did average around 4 ohms, with a minimum value of 2.6 ohms at 93Hz. The electrical phase angle (dashed trace) is occasionally high when the magnitude is low." It does not meet my criteria. Plus, I dislike the Q and S series speakers which I heard over 17 places (audio shows, dealers) as boring and uninvolving. I suppose a treble drop off is a good thing but my custom listening room has activated charcoal chambered built in bass traps. I don't need a bump in the bass, just accurate bass.